Alternate Satellite Form

Enter this number:  881631631736
No spaces between or after the numbers.

When Gord responds using satellite phone text messaging,
you are sent an email from:

To ensure delivery of Gord's reply, please add  to your address book, or safe senders list.

Do not click "Reply" to respond to Gord's satellite text message.  Replies must be sent online via

Messages may also be left on Gord's voice mail:  604 740-7018
Phone messages are only collected when Gord receives a satellite email requesting that he checks his voice mail.  If you leave a phone message, please also use the above form to ask Gord to check his messages.

Thanks for your message, Gord will reply as soon as possible.

If the form is not functioning, or if you receive no reply within two days,
please go to and click "Send a Satellite Message"
Enter this number: 881631631736